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Servers announcement
New Lineage 2 Interlude servers
Lineage 2 Intelude is a fairly widespread chronicle of the game and even now a lot of interlude servers are opening, at the present time, after 15 or more years from the release date of interlude, and this was the release date of interlude in April 2007. Remembering the old days when they passed the quest for nubla or farmed baium, the sieges of Aden, Giran, GDD and other cities, everyone wants to come in and feel it again. Even after so many years, the graphics of the game itself remains at the level and pulls it on any PC. Everyone wants to play at their favorite, common rates, let it be multicraft pvp or multiprofa with additions, rates x100, x1200 or higher.
Servers L2 Intelud - announcement of top servers
The new L2 intelude servers are very different from those that were back in 2007, because the addition of offline trading or an auction to simplify the gameplay is now on every server. In the chronicles above, a lot has already been changed, namely, they have made more emphasis on quests, due to which the character is leveling up and, in fact, the party is not particularly in demand, and there is more emphasis on the solo game, and therefore there is no special feature that the developers originally conceived in the good old ruler. In the chronicles of l2 Interlude, the emphasis was more on PVP and Life Stones still play a big role in it, because the effects are not bad enough and give a lot of privileges over an enemy who does not have ls inserted into the weapon. In fact, the interlude chronicles are most famous for their balance and there are not a lot of additions, such as wings and the rest of what has already appeared in the chronicles above Gracia, High Five, etc.
PvP server La2 interlude - Opening date
Announcements of Lineage 2, in which we have collected an excellent collection of l2 top interlude servers. What we publish every day is essentially la2 servers that will suit every taste from craft servers to PVP. We have a lot of interlude in the la2 announcement, as we wrote above due to the fact that they are in great demand and there is always a fan for them. Start date l2 interlude in the autumn - spring period is the biggest, because many are at home compared to summer. Top interlude servers, a sufficient number of which have proven themselves, but you should also pay attention to new line servers, because with good, high-quality advertising, new projects can be ahead of even those that have been around for many years and if you are low rate lovers, such as, x3, x5, x10 then the longevity of these servers is usually longer than taking x100 or x1200 as an example, which are also very in demand at the present time, and you should immediately pay attention to how much you are willing to devote your time to. For example, on melkosoftah long quality and requires enough time. Well, again, you will completely immerse yourself in the game on craft servers, but on PVP servers everything happens pretty quickly there and here, as they say, the taste and color ... but in fact the most popular chronicles remain x100 and x1200 and the difference is actually significant.
If you fully familiarize yourself with the announcements of Lineage 2 servers that we host, then you will see that there are many more L2 interlude servers than others, and this is due to the fact that they are in demand more than others, and they have few discord lineage 2. But after all remember how everything used to be, communication on Skype, TS... And here, in fact, x1, x3, x5, x10 servers are suitable for the most connoisseurs of interlude, where you can remember your skills that will help you become a top server without donations. But for those who just want to have fun and relax for a while, so to speak, the Lineage2 announcement has collected the top PvP Interlude servers for you that will not make you bored.
Melkosoft or craft PVP server l2 interlude
What is better to choose from all the L2 interlude announcements we have listed x25, x50, x100 or x1200? In our opinion, all servers are in demand and the choice depends on your tastes, whether you want a slow and long swing on l2 interlude x1, x3, x5, or on la2 interlude pvp servers. If you take high rates, then the development goes pretty quickly, and if you take small rates, it takes a very long time, but for that you can feel the whole concept of the game. If you are a beginner, then it’s better for you to go small, because you will learn more about the beautiful world of lineage 2, but for experienced players, pvp servers are more suitable.